HOLISTICA Journal of Business and Public Administration has been the result of the authors’ need to approach the ‘in integrum’ phenomena, processes and structures in different specializations. The complexity of socio-economic life is a sine qua non that determines specialists to pay more attention to the influence of its parts as a whole, to configure and reconfigure the whole process through modifying its parts. The multitude of relations and interdependences between the economic, social and political environments create the context for integrated multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary analyses, in which specialists from various thematic areas could offer solutions to current issues.
Starting from the definition of the term holism – a conception which interprets the thesis of the irreducibility of the whole to the sum of its parts, considering an immaterial, unknowable principle as an ‘integrating factor’ in the world (DEX), the journal aims to gather scientific and methodological research, viewpoints that would explain the behavior of the specific components and their effects on the whole.
This is why the main topics of the journal cover a broad area of domains as: management (general, strategic, project, human resources, financial, production, quality, information system, company, foreign investment etc.), public management (good governance, public finance and budgeting, sustainable development, public institutions, public investment, public services, public expenditure etc.), marketing (strategic marketing, sales policies, customer behavior, market segmentation, marketing research, supply and demand etc.), public and nonprofit marketing (strategic marketing, public policies, citizens’ behavior, marketing research, public supply and demand etc.), business administration (entrepreneurship, business approach, accounting, planning, decision making etc.), business communication, public administration (subjects that depict a vivid image of administration), law (regulations, EU directives, commercial legislation, labor law etc.), public law (administrative, civil, common, European etc.), economics (macro and micro economics, forecast, statistics, national strategies etc.).
In our opinion, a diverse and ample knowledge of current issues, the possibility to reflect on the most important subjects from multiple perspectives and linking these to the whole, makes identifying solutions possible, in order to reach the common goal – a better life.
We are facing multiple economic challenges (crises, disequilibria, structural changes, conceptual controversies), social challenges (unemployment, social exclusion, underprivileged categories, racism, etc.), political challenges (conflicts, attacks, terrorism, changes in doctrines, etc.), all with a direct or indirect impact on individuals and society as a whole. Each of us are both a part and a whole at the same time, a system and a subsystem, we connect or we are connected and most importantly, we make decisions and are the object or the subject of all other decisions. These circumstances motivate our desire to bring to the attention of decision-makers the importance of granting proper, attention to the impact and effects of their actions on the whole. The integrating element which gives it its essence is the unity and specificity to the whole, which lies in the neural network of links and dependencies.